This Morris Minor was recently purchased by a local Roade resident. He asked us to give it a check over prior to taking it out to a classic car show.
We had a good look over it and a carried out a short test drive. Initially all that the car required was some new tyres to replace the out of date tyres and to address the weak braking issue. After stripping down the brakes it was noted that the front wheel cylinders were leaking fluid and had contaminated the brake shoes.
We replace the front cylinders, brake hoses, shoes and fittings. We then renewed the brake fluid and bleed the braking system through.
We replaced all 4 tyres ensuring that the best road wheels were placed on the front of the car.
We dropped the car back to the owners house in time for the show. On the way back through the village it had lots of admiring glances and put little smiles on peoples faces.