PORSCHE Cayman – stainless steel exhaust

We recently fitted a new stainless steel exhaust system to a 2007 Porsche Cayman 2.7 litre.

This car has 4 lambda sensor fitted to it. We thought we could just replace 2 but in the end all 4 were required. If you ever decide to get your exhaust replaced, please cost in the lambda sensor charges to your figures.

In order to route the exhaust correctly there are quite a number of auxiliary items that have to be removed from the car to get good access.

Please allow between 4 and 5 hours for the job to be completed correctly.

Once this job was completed the car looked superb

Unfortunately the vehicles engine light came on within a few days. Due to the non geniune exhaust fitted we had to fit wiring extensions to the new lambda sensors. Again please cost these into the job if you change your exhaust system.

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