This vehicle was presented for a routine service and on starting the vehicle our Technician noted an abnormal engine noise on initial start, which was suspected to be a defective timing chain noise (Typical clatter/chatter type noise from timing area).
Vehicle on ramp with gearbox removed
The vehicle was re-booked for further investigation to confirm our suspicions of timing chain issue. We then informed the customer and proceeded to remove the gearbox assembly to allow access to the engine timing cover. On removal of the timing cover the timing chains and tensioners were examined to find that the actual cause/defect being stretched chains.
Issues found on Ingenium engines are mainly down to materials used, the chains themselves are frequently known to stretch which initially will cause a rattling noise, these chains can also snap causing destruction of the engine.
New timing chains and tensioners fitted
For the repair the complete timing chain kit was replaced, to include all chain tensioners.